Members of Meade County Fiscal Court worked through several items of business during their regular meeting Tuesday (7/9) evening.
Meade County Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and Tourism Director Annie Emond provided county leaders with a report of tourism efforts for the past year. She said their largest event was the first ever Big Bang Over Brandenburg event held last Friday was a success as an estimated 5,200 people to the Brandenburg Riverfront Park. Emond said based upon an average spending of $14 per person, the event generated about $125,000 into the local economy. She reported that the effort of the $60,595 2023 tourism budget created 253 jobs, $6.6 million of labor income and generated $2.9 million in state and local taxes and spurred $37.1 million in spending in Meade County.
The next major event is the Battletown Witch Festival in October is already a success as this year’s vendor booths are already sold out. Emond reported the Chamber of Commerce has 201 members and 15 President Circle Sponsors which assists with various activities of the business membership. She said the annual Chamber Banquet raised over $14,000 which is used to fund local scholarships. Emond noted the next Meade County Chamber Luncheon will be held on July 18 at the Meade County Fairgrounds talking about the upcoming fair events and the Community Partnership Dinner will be held on August 28 at Doe Run Inn with limited seating.
The court approved the County Treasurer’s 2024 annual report along with the report of the auditor of public accounts agreed upon procedures engagement of the Meade County E-911 Public Safety Answering Point for the Kentucky 911 Services Board for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. The court approved a estimate of $35,000 for the paving work on Shawn Lane. The cost is guaranteed for a year to allow the residents of the road to collect funds to pay the county for the paving work.
The court opened bids for site dirt work at the Mooreman Road project for the new Road Department and Animal Control facility. Five bids were received including: Prodigy Construction – $580,040; Phillips Brothers Construction – $386,949.48; Hicon Construction – $555,400; Dirt Works – $342,225; and Treymark – $745,838. The court approved the lowest bid upon a full review of the bids. Magistrates approved to seek bids for surveying services for the Solid Waste and Recycling Center expansion project.
The court met in a half hour closed session to discuss proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the public agency and Discussions between a public agency and a representative of a business entity and discussions concerning a specific proposal, if open discussions would jeopardize the siting, retention, expansion, or upgrading of the business. The court returned and took no action from the closed session.
You can watch the entire regular meeting of the Meade County Fiscal Court in our “On Demand” section.
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