Members of the Brandenburg City Council met during a work session Monday (2/3) afternoon to get updates on several topics that face the city in the upcoming months.
Only a few members of the public were in attendance as city leaders discussed the issues related to the city’s budget items. The council also discussed the hot topic issues of proposed ordinances for a business and occupational license fees and forming a Brandenburg Tourism Commission in order to levy a restaurant tax. Mayor David Pace explained how the proposed tax and fees came about and the committee is still working on the issues to provide the council with addition recommendations.
During the almost two hour discussion, the council discussed various lines in the budget and some questioned the need for the additional taxing. No official action was taken because the it was a informational meeting for the elected body. The proposed ordinances ae expected to return to the agenda during the upcoming regular February meeting of the council next Monday (2/10) night at 7 PM.
You can watch the entire work session in our “On Demand” section.
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