Members of the Brandenburg City Council met for their first regular meeting of the new new year Monday (1/13) night.
At the beginning of the meeting, Mayor David Pace read a resolution in memory of City Fire Marshall Larry Naser, who died December 17, 2024 and had held the position about 20 years. A framed copy of the resolution was given to his family during the services. Mayor Pace appointed Amy Haynes as City Clerk, Brian Haag as City Police Chief, and Chris Crawford as City Fire Marshall.
The council heard and approved a second reading of a rezoning ordinance of 1101 High Street of property owned by Quin Lynch. The council’s unanimous vote came after a public hearing conducted just before the meeting allow residents neighboring the property to provide additional comments.
The council discussed various questions posed by new council members related to reports of city business. No actions were taken as a result of the discussion.
At the end of the meeting, Mayor Pace told the council that he wants to have a work session in order for the council members to discussed recent proposed ordinances without the pressure for an immediate vote. The work session will be opened to public but no action will be taken and only the items listed on the work session agenda can be discussed during that time. No date has been set for the work session.
You can watch the entire regular meeting of the Brandenburg City Council in “On Demand” section. The Public Hearing be viewed on the city of Brandenburg’s website.